The Bucks Herald Trophy
This trophy was kindly presented by the proprietors of this “old established” county newspaper to celebrate the formation of the Buckinghamshire Centre of the Caravan Club in January 1967. it is the wish of the donors that the trophy be used in an annual competition for Buckinghamshire Centre Members only, to encourage skill in manoeuvring with car and caravan as an outfit. The Centre will award a special trophy for the best performance by a visiting member.
Mary Browne Ladies Trophy
This trophy was given by the Lady of the Centre’s first Chairman. It is to be presented for the best performance by a Buckinghamshire Centre lady competitor in the Ladies Caravan Handling Competition.
The Wiseman Trophy
To be awarded to the best novice in the Reversing Competition; novice being one who has never won an award in any caravan
handling event and not being the winner of the premier event (the Bucks Herald Trophy). Competition.
The Amber Leisure Trophy
To be awarded annually to the couple that achieves the fastest time in the Caravan Setting Up Competition.
The Sid Cowley Junior Setting Up Trophy
Presented by Sid Cowley’s family to mark his fun loving attitude and love of rallying. To be awarded annually to the Juniors who achieve the fastest time in the Junior Caravan Setting Up competition.
The Mike Cox Award
Awarded annually to the member of the Centre, who in the opinion of the Chairman, performs the greatest service to the Caravan movement in general or to the Centre, other than in the performance of their duties as an Officer of the Centre.
The Preedy Glass Trophy
To be awarded annually to the Teenager or Junior who in the opinion of the Chairman, performs the greatest service to the Centre.
The Steve & Di Cook Trophy
To be presented annually to the winner of the Boules Competition.
The Aylesbury Caravans Trophy
To be awarded annually to the winner of the Junior and Teenager Boules Competition.
The Ken Tweedy Trophy
To be awarded annually to the Centre member who is the winner of the Buckinghamshire Centre Golf Competition
The Dablemoore Fishing Trophy
Presented by Mr & the late Mrs M. Moore to be competed for annually and awarded to the Buckinghamshire Centre member or Junior member adjudged to be the winner according to the rules and conditions laid down at the chosen venue.
The John Hearne Junior Fishing Trophy
To be competed for annually and awarded to the Buckinghamshire Centre member aged 12 years and under adjudged to be the winner according to the rules and conditions laid down at the chosen venue.
The Bob & Connie West Angling Trophy
To be awarded to the best Novice in the Dablemoore Fishing competition. A novice is deemed to be one who has never won an award in this event and not being the winner of the Dablemoore Trophy.
The Aylesbury Caravans Photographic Trophy
In this competition, the subject matter and venue are chosen annually. A maximum of three photographs may be submitted and these will be judged by the members attending a Centre event prior to the AGM.
The Timbercraft Darts Trophy
Presented to the winner of the doubles darts competition
The Buckinghamshire Centre Attendance Trophy
Awarded to the Centre member who attends the most Buckinghamshire rallies in a year.
The Dog Obedience Trophy
Awarded annually to the overall winner in the dog show competition.