Buckinghamshire Centre 2024 RALLIES

List of services

    If you have any questions after booking a rally, contact the rally officer directly

    List of services

      List of services

        List of services

          Please Book ALL Rallies via the Website

          PLEASE NOTE

          Rally officers do not accepting paper bookings.


          A minimum spacing between facing walls of adjacent motorhomes and caravans (the unit) of 6 metres is required. There must also be 3 metres clear between outfits, where an outfit is taken to mean and include the unit, an awning, pup tent and a car. Whilst there is no spacing restriction with regard to rally field boundaries, e.g. fences, trees and hedges, the siting of outfits must not be allowed to interfere with the activities of local people, their privacy or enjoyment of their property. 

          All units must be sited a minimum of 6 metres from any buildings.

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